Story Hour/What To Do with a Box
Wednesday, Feb 21 10:30 to 11:30 features “What To Do With A Box by Jane Yolen & Chris Sheban.
Wednesday, Feb 21 10:30 to 11:30 features “What To Do With A Box by Jane Yolen & Chris Sheban.
For this week’s story hour, Paula will be reading Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day. Wednesday, Feb. 14 from 10:30 to 11:30. Happy Valentine’s Day!
February’s display of Valentine’s Day cards was lovingly curated by Katharine Atwood.
The book for February is Euphoria by best-selling Maine author Lily King. Monday, February 26 at 11 am.
For this week’s story hour, Paula will read Who Hoots? by Katie Davis. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 to 11:30
Paula’s book for Story Hour this Wednesday will be Who Hops? by Katie Davis.