For Book Club this month, the group is reading Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes. We have some copies at the library if you need one. Book Club will meet at the North Gorham Public Library on Monday, October 28 from 11:00 to noon. You're welcome to join the […]
It's a Halloween celebration at Story Hour this week! Paula says she's got some Halloween books to read and songs to sing. The children will paint a little white ghost and have some tasty snacks. They can wear their Halloween costume if they’d like. No scary masks, please. Happy Halloween!
For Story Hour this week, Paula will read “Leaf Man” and “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” by Lois Elhert. The children will play “Same or Different” which will give them a chance to look closely at the details of leaves. Finally, they’ll use dot markers to paint leaves on paper. Leaves, leaves everywhere, soon the trees will be all bare! Come play in the leaves on Wednesday, November 6 from 10:30 to 11:30.
Why is this frog jumping? At Story Hour this week, Paula says they’ll read and sing about frogs and do some jumping. Then, there’ll be some coloring, which everyone always loves! Don’t miss Story Hour this Wednesday, November 13 from 10:30 to 11:30.
What are you thankful for? That’s the question Paula will be asking at Story Hour this week before and after reading Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland. Then, adults can help children trace their hands to make outlines of turkeys. Kids can paint them using sponge brushes and Read more…
For Story Hour this week, Pig and Zig need to learn how to share. "Let’s read to find out if they can," says Paula. The children will also make and glue down the dogs and draw some toys for them. Story Hour is Wednesday, November 27, from 10:30 to 11:30.