Story Hour/December 18
Story Hour is all about Rudolph this week! Paula says they’ll read about him, sing his song, and make a tree ornament.
Wednesday, December 18 from 10:30 to 11:30. (The last Story Hour until Jan. 8).
Story Hour/December 11
Paula will read Red and Lulu, a book about two birds that are displaced and separated when the tree they were living in is cut down for a Christmas tree. Wednesday, December 11, from 10:30 to 11:30.
Story Hour/December 4
We’re reading/ singing the songbook “On Top of Spaghetti” then we’ll make our own plate of spaghetti and meatballs to take home.
Story Hour/November 27
For Story Hour this week, Pig and Zig need to learn how to share. Story Hour is Wednesday, November 27, from 10:30 to 11:30.
Story Hour/November 20
What are you thankful for? That’s the question Paula will be asking before and after reading Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland.
Story Hour/November 13
At Story Hour this week, Paula says they’ll read and sing about frogs. Don’t miss Story Hour this Wednesday, November 13 from 10:30 to 11:30.